Repro Optima">Repro Optima

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Your reproductive health...
Our Commitment.
We're with you every step of the way.

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Our Team

Repro Optima is run by an interdisciplinary team of medical professionals. Each member of our medical staff is highly experienced and specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and other reproductive disorders. Comprised of both locally-based laboratory experts and doctors as well as international researchers and consultants, we have assembled a competent team that ensures quality health care every step of the way. Our goal is to deliver the best quality reproductive care to our patients through the highest level of clinical expertise.

Our medical professionals undergo ongoing education by remaining up-to-date in reproductive science, attending international conferences and conducting research initiatives. We want to keep enhancing the Repro Optima experience by giving you, our patients, the most current and best treatment options to achieve you reproductive goals and take care of your overall reproductive health.


James Catt, PhD

Scientific Director

David Mortimer, PhD

Scientific Consultant

Irena Lalic

Consultant Embryologist